Today marks 5 weeks until the Rochester Marathon... my second in what will hopefully be a long life of 26 mile races. Today also marks the first time that I was made brutally aware of just how hot it is at 2pm, and how terrible an idea it is to run 15 miles at such a time. Now, I'm not a total idiot, I did set out with a Camelbak full of Water/Gatorade...... but that ran out somewhere around mile 8 I think. And by the time I got home, including the Clif bar I ate, and the full 32oz of liquid that I drank, I had somehow still sweated enough to lose 4 pounds. Note to self: this is why they have races at 7am. Never again.
Since I survived, and hopefully have learned my lesson on that one, I would just like to thank my legs for making it through the run without too much complaining- and thank my Ipod Running playlist for literally being exactly long enough for a 15 mile run. The last song ended as I was turning onto my street. Apparently I have to add a few more songs before September, but it was perfect for today.
I am definitely the type of person who has more than a few complaints about the general stupidity of the population, and I've waited awhile for this so that I can truly amass a list worth posting, but seriously, some things that are truly infuriating while I'm running....
1. Assholes in cars who honk at me because I'm running through the crosswalk when the sign tells me to, and impeding their ability to turn right for about four seconds. News flash, you're going to get to your destination long before I get to mine, regardless, so calm the hell down.
2. Groups of teenage guys who think that a) catcalling a runner who is wearing earphones is going to be heard or answered, and b) blocking my path is an acceptable method of flirtation. Its all fun and games until I accidentally hit you in the face.
3. People who are casually ambling down the sidewalk towards me and refuse to walk single-file, forcing me to hurdle whatever small shrub, fire hydrant, or garbage receptacle is nearby... thanks.
4. When I arrive at the gym on a rainy day only to find every treadmill occupied by an overweight lady who is walking at 2.0mph, chugging Gatorade as if it's helping, and talking on her cell phone. Good workout, ladies, by next month the only thing you will have lost is most of your dignity.
5. I dont know who you are, weird Delaware Park guy, but I find it pretty obnoxious that I can see you cutting across the grass halfway around the track so that it looks like you're lapping me every five minutes.
6. If you're walking, or working out for less than an hour... please, pass on the protein shake/protein bar... it just makes you look like a douchebag. You can also probably refrain from wearing a sweat band if you're traveling under 3 miles an hour.
And a few things I love about running-
1. That nearly every runner is 100% friendly and supportive of every other runner. You pass them, they wave and give you a thumbs up. They pass you, they throw out words of encouragement. You're racing, half the people who finished before you are on the sidelines supporting those still running. Seriously, it's awesome.
2. Getting home after a 2 or 3 hour running and realizing that I could pretty much eat anything I want for the rest of the day and it wouldn't make a difference.
3. Running at the park while the soccer league practices... yeah, it's shallow, but they've got nice legs and they rarely wear shirts. It's a reason to run the 2mile loop a few extra times.
Until next time,
Ha! I love your list on things you love about running! Especially 3... ;)